Myron Chevetz, Finest First VP

    eolis staff

    Leading together, Mike and Wendeen set in motion the 1974 legislative effort in the State of New York to overhaul the statute that applies to “headhunters.”

    Marching into the offices of Assemblymen and Senators, Wendeen used Mike’s talking points to persuade them, one by one, to give up the 1904 law that prohibited recruiting by “employment agents.”

    In 1975, Mike and Wendeen celebrated at the largest state convention of “headhunters” the triumph of our current modernized statute.  On the occasion of Mike’s retirement from the world of business, Wendeen toasts the power behind her role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association of Personnel Consultants of the State of New York.


    EOLIS staff includes collaborative efforts by EOLIS affiliated consultants. Their backgrounds include business, law, politics, and government.