Inventor of the Legal Search Industry

    52 Vanderbilt Ave, NYC

    In 1967, while still a student, Wendeen Eolis established her attorney search and vetting practice. Two years later, with seed money from two attorney search assignments, one for  Cravath and the other for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Wendeen moved her fledgling business to a tonier address in the heart of Manhattan. She was on her way to growing the first search firm, exclusively for practicing attorneys--with a business plan.

    The Company evolved organically into a group of legal talent management companies with four lines of business: Attorney Searches and Vetting Assignments; JD Career Management; JD-credentialed Boardroom Directorship Services, and Legal Marketplace Consulting.

    Our Mission 

    EOLIS International Group ("EOLIS-EIG") embraces an overarching commitment to excellence. It is fueled by a competitive drive grounded in the belief that kindness is a critical asset to deploy, at every opportunity--with clients, the public, and their EOLIS colleagues.

    Excellence Begins in the Hiring Process

    Our commitment to excellence begins in the hiring process for ourselves. We focus on intellect, integrity, and interpersonal skills.   EOLIS-EIG seeks team members with expertise and values that match the Company's mission. The advice rendered by EOLIS-EIG consultants is steeped in an understanding of talent acquisition dynamics consistent with the Company's business principles.

    EOLIS Hires Prove themselves! 

    The company has completed 7,500+ assignments for partners, general counsels, and board directorships--with its 3D philosophy of discipline, desire, and determination front and center in the process. EOLIS draws on its curated database of more than 300,000 highly credentialed senior-level attorneys--worldwide. It also has access to Wendeen EOLIS Enterprises's  (non-lawyer) executive leadership database of Fortune 1000 and Forbes 2000 Board Directors and Nom-Gov Chairs, as needed.

    EOLIS has proven its staying power as a premier legal consultancy and a boutique with a worldwide footprint.

    About our Team

    While Wendeen is the company’s public face, she credits her roster of collaborators, affiliated partners, project directors, and researchers as EOLIS's most valuable assets. And, she relies upon diverse talent including law student interns and recently retired legal executives to advance new ideas and to help the company maintain its hallmark of intelligent innovation.

    Recognition And Awards

    EOLIS has been the subject of scores of feature stories in mainstream and legal industry media including The New York Times which reported in one of its profile stories about Wendeen, "she has the ties that bind the legal fraternity."

    EOLIS's staying power as a pre-eminent leader in the business community and legal consulting industry has been reconfirmed year after year. A representative sample of  recent media-based awards and other public attention includes Corporatelivewire.com’s 2015 "Most Innovative Legal Consultancy,” Corporate Vision Magazine’s 2016 “CEO of the Year,” Corporate Insider’s 2018 Legal Awards for “Legal Search Platform of the Year," and "Best Legal Recruitment Firm of the Year," as well as recognition in 2019 from the US Business News at the "Legal Elite Awards."

    In  2021 Who's Who in America selected Wendeen's biographical profile for inclusion in its independent selections. In 2022,  Wendeen was invited to join the Forbes Business Council where she has been a featured, unedited, "expert" on their periodic "Expert Panels." And, in 2023, her expert opinion regarding corporate board directorships for lawyers was featured in Bloomberglawnews.com, and in 2024, she was EOLIS was featured story in BoardroomIntelligece.com.

    Note: Neither EOLIS nor Wendeen H. Eolis, has paid or advertised for any of the above-referenced recognition and awards