eolis staff

    Matching your negotiating strategies to  your negotiating personality is as critical to client development as it is making a deal or winning a case. There are four basic negotiating strategies.

    They can be likened to poker principles; betting with  the goods (“the nuts”) a hammer, betting with comparative strength  (value betting),  betting with potential (a semi-bluff), and betting with maximum information (in position).  Depending upon life environment, experience, and activities you are likely to adopt one or two strategies as your favorites, and the others will take more thoughtful consideration.  Wendeen Eolis Enterprises now offers innovative coaching techniques designed to define your negotiating DNA with a view toward exponential results in client marketing efforts.

    For further information, please contact or call (1) 212-472-4000


    EOLIS staff includes collaborative efforts by EOLIS affiliated consultants. Their backgrounds include business, law, politics, and government.