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    For decades, lawyers labored over their resumes–not their public profile or  social media postings or  comments of family members in not so private chat rooms. Today, any lawyer worth his/her salt, knows that the right LinkedIn profile can expand opportunities–dramatically. it can also uncover frauds, a penchant for providing “alternative facts,” and more. than an unschooled user can imagine.  Linked in profiles are fast becoming the most critical biographical material in the job search toolbox and the one public profile on the internet  that you can control.  Your LinkedIn profile is also a unique tool in self-protective online reputation management, a vehicle by which to enhance your contacts and connections–intelligently, and a quintessential vetting instrument,  once you understand both the inherent challenges and the breadth of opportunities that can be unlocked.

    It is worth your while to stop whatever else you are doing–if you want to play bigger and stronger–and get cracking with a deep dive into LinkedIn ! And listen up, because crafting a worthy LinkedIn profile, is more than an easy walk in the park.

    LinkedIn is rapidly becoming the single most essential element in branding an individual’s identity and vetting a candidate’s bona fides.

    Want to know how to expand your contact network exponentially? Want to know how to get an interview at a Company-where you have not a single connection? Want to be nominated for a board seat at your golf club or a cultural institution? Looking for a high level appointment in  State government, or the new presidential administration? Want to get the best information about  the morale of a company? Want to present yourself more factually than anyone else can present you?

    Connect with an EOLIS Social Media Consultant and learn the power you can put into your LinkedIn profile. It may well impact on your upward mobility and professional destiny–more than your resume, and your references combined.

    Call Us 212-472-4000 or  Email Us;for more information on Social Media Counseling Services for lawyers on the prowl!


    EOLIS staff includes collaborative efforts by EOLIS affiliated consultants. Their backgrounds include business, law, politics, and government.