Client Counsel Relations


    For these assignments, EOLIS is retained either to provide due diligence reports or to assist in preparation for beauty contests to be conducted, or as advisor forrecommendations of cousel for each client. Interested law firms may contact us for possible considerationon one of our assignments Call  212-472-4000 or Email Us for any additional information.

    Client: Special Talent (Top Box Office Actor)
    Vetting report of law firms recommended to him, amd preparation for beauty contest

    Client: International Bank (European)
    Due diligence report concerning 6 law firms identified by client

    Client: Fortune 100 Company
    Interviewing with client prospective firms for "bet the ranch litigation"-- law firm beauty contest

    Client: Well known Professional Services Firm-- Government Affairs
    Relationship review between client and outside general counsel including legal fee arrangements

    Client: US Airline Post Merger
    Analysis of in-house law department with view toward streamlining outside counsel