Attorneys on the Move
EOLIS advises exceptional lawyers seeking to play bigger! A representative sample of lawyers currently cinsulting with EOLIS Attorney Career Transition Services advisors on their endless aspirations is shown below: Call Us 212-472-4000 or Email Us for additional information.
Senior AmLaw100 partner controls 5 million dollar book of business w/middle market clients; strong corp gov + sits on finnservices board seeks additional corporate board seat
Senior partner with retainer-based big ticket litigations growing faster than can be supported at current firm; seeks prestigious mid-sized firm w/ strong backup.
Real Estate
Large Real Estate company Chief Legal Officer/active member of C-Suite seeks first public company board seat.
Public Tech Company CEO w/JD degree seeks non-competitive but thriving, related industry corporate board directorship.
EOLIS advises individual lawyers regarding career arc reviews, evaluations for corprate board seats, public profile assessments, presentation recommendations, employer targeting, preparation for law firm managerial roles, C-Suite positions and corporate board directorships.
Note: Our featured "Attorneys on the Move" bring exceptional skills and abilities to the table as well as outstanding credentials and have received the highest ratings in the vetting process.